Sunday, February 20, 2011


Well... just please have a look before i begin to try and describe!!

 The skin is thin, and soft like a tomato...
but when you cut it open it looks like this!

 yummmmmmmmm.... sort of...

well.. I don't like seeds in my fruit.. I think this point was covered in my Grenadilla post! When food is this much work without huge reward (ie - artichoke hearts) I find little reason to keep eating it..

So I suppose you want to know what it tastes like..

Well... Fleshy.. like a tomato.... with that weird texture I usually don't mind... but this might have been a touch bruised or overripe..

And sort of sweet at the same time.... But for the seeds...

Perhaps I should stick to non-seedy fruits!

I really don't know how to explain... this is a sweet but slightly sour tomato with a lot of juice and tiny hard black seeds in it...

If i had the time or energy I might make ketchup out of it.... I shall keep my eyes peeled!!! 

I hope you try this one... it is probably the most difficult to describe I have eaten so far!

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