Thursday, October 28, 2010


Hello one and all,

You might have noticed that I have decided to try - despite my limited student budget - a new food every day. This is easier than it sounds. For someone who grew up in a house where my mother could whip up Indian as fast as she could Greek or Japanese food, it is a fun and exciting adventure with myself in the grocery store to discover lots of things which I would have thought were icky before.

The criteria are merely as follows:
  1. I have never tried it before, or I do not recall ever trying it before
  2. IT IS NOT GOING TO POISON ME, so no blowfish or unidentified mushrooms for the time being, thanks anyways
  3. I can afford to eat it

That's all there is to it!

So far I have played it safe. Tropical fruits is the theme of the week. I have tried my first (miniature) guava (yum!) and red cactus pear (tastes like eating chlorophyll or leaves..), both a safe palate and moderate .75 cents each.

New on the menu is perhaps something slightly more odd but not vomit inducing. I am searching out jackfruit, kumquats, and whatever else has been evilly imported from the Southern Hemisphere, that I can get my greedy paws on in during a Pacific Northwestern Autumn.

I encourage you all to send me your thoughts, ideas, and recommendations!

Next week I am invading the Asian food isles of Fairway Market to eat some dried and jarred foods (most which still have their eyeballs)

Here is to hoping that i sort out all the formatting problems, I don't know how to make a paragraph break yet, but I'm learning!

Until then my stomach and I bid you adieu!

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