Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kiwano Horned Melon

Well this was an interesting one folks..

I tried a horned melon, related to both the cucumber and melons, I thought this can't be too bad!

If you are curious as to how this little orange weapon looks on the inside...

 I'm sure you weren't expecting it to be green slime! As I was cutting the melon in half it started gushing liquid and I thought, oh no, here we go..

 The fruit itself was nothing to write home about, it tasted like a very very watered down kiwi fruit, and was sort of slimy but pleasant textured. It would make sense that this is a traditional staple food in really hot climates, because it was incredibly juicy, and easy to eat.
However, after my adventures with the delicious surprise that was the jackfruit and kumquats, I wouldn't put this at the top of my list of recommendations for new and exciting foods. 

However, if you are interested in tasting a cucumber kiwi melon hybrid, the horned melon is the way for you to go!

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